Women’s Legal Resource Centre (Wolrec) on Thursday held motivational talks to inspire girls in Traditional Authority (T/A) Mkhumba, Phalombe, to work hard in school.

Wolrec monitoring and evaluation officer Ernest Mujavo said the organization aims at keeping girls in school despite the challenges they face.

 “We bring women who went through various challenges to motivate our young girls in school who are passing through similar challenges,” Mujavo said.

He further added that the main agenda is to keep a girl child in school and not to rush into marriages.

Speaking during the motivational talk Limbe Police Station Assistant Superintendent Elube Mbewe, told the girls to work hard in school for them to turn their dreams into reality.

“I worked hard in school to reach this far. You, too, can work in the police service if you work hard,” she said.

Veteran musician Ethel Kamwendo Banda also encouraged the student to work hard in school despite their poor background.

In his remarks, Phalombe schools inspector William Namakhula thanked the speakers, saying the talk will help girls in the district to rise above the challenges they are facing to access education.

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