Former Vice President Dr. Cassim Chilumpha who is also torchbearer for Tikonze People’s Movement (TPM) has said he will appeal the High Court ruling disqualifying him from contesting in the forthcoming May 21 tripartite election.

Tikonze Peoples Movement (TPM) dragged Chilumpha and the Malawi Electoral commission (MEC) to court arguing that Chilumpha did not follow proper procedures while filing papers to the electoral body in February this year.

The group said Chilumpha was an Interim leader and the grouping endorsed Dr. Saulos Chilima of United Transformation Movement (UTM) as its torchbearer.

The grouping said in the event that the alliance collapses the grouping will convene a meeting to choose the torchbearer for the forthcoming polls.

TMP Lawyer Madziko Sauti Phiri said allowing Chilumpha to represent the grouping will not be proper as the grouping is already represented by Chilima.

But Chilumpha through his Secretariat has said will challenge the ruling by taking the case to Supreme Court of Appeal.

Meanwhile MEC Chairperson Jane Ansah has said the electoral body will abide by the High Court ruling.

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