A 15-year-old boy in Machinga has been imposed to a fine of k50000 for allegedly defiling a 16-year-old girl.

Machinga First Grade Magistrate Court heard through police prosecutor Constable Gift Kapalamula that the father of the victim had been suspicious about her daughter’s movements since February this year.

A time passed, the girl’s father heard that his daughter was in a love relationship with the 15-year-old boy.

“On April 4, the father discovered that his daughter spent a night at the house of the accused,” the police prosecutor told the court.

Kalamula further said the girl’s father reported the matter to Nselema Police Station.

Immediately, the police referred the girl to Machinga District Hospital for examination and results confirmed that girl had sex with the boy.

“We arrested the young offender and a docket of defilement opened against him,” Kalamula told the court.

In court, the boy pleaded not guilty but it was proved beyond reasonable doubt after the court paraded four witnesses who testified against him.

In his determination, First Grade Magistrate Jones Masula said the court settled for a lenient punishment because the offender is of tender age.

He therefore ordered the boy to sort a fine of K50000 with caution not to commit another crime of such kind in the next three years.

The convict hails from Mzinda Village in the area of Traditional Authority Bwananyambi in Mangochi.

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