President Peter Mutharika on Thursday launched a Health Situation Room which is aimed at strengthening analysis and response within the health systems through the use of an innovative virtual platform.

During the launch Mutharika said good health is a precondition for Development.

Mutharika during the launch

“Good health is a precondition for development because only health people have the capacity to contribute to the development of the country,” Mutharika said.

He further said that the initiative is a data revolution that will improve health care delivery in Malawi.

“There is a need to seek innovative ways of monitoring and evaluating the country’s health systems to meet people’s needs,” Mutharika said.

He added that he will continue to use public resources to improve quality life of people.

Mutharika, therefore urged people to join him in making Malawi prosperous.

“Together we can take Malawi from poverty to prosperity by ensuring that we are on track to achieve sustainable development goals, leaving no one behind,” he said.

In his remarks Executive Director for UNAIDS, Dr. Michael Sidibe said the will be crucial in identifying gaps in health programs.

He added that the platform will be available for anyone.

“This platform will help to fight inequities, improve redistribution for everyone as it will foster accountability and embrace transparency,” Sidibe said.

Minister of Health and Population Atupele Muluzi said his ministry will try to improve quality of health services.

Muluzi making his speech

“We continue to seek innovative way to monitor and evaluate our health systems to meet the needs of our people,” Muluzi said.

The monitoring system will mainly focus on three key areas of HIV and sexual reproductive health, community health and drug and commodity supply chain in every district.

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