By Robert Kumwenda

Shadow Councilor for Zomba Ntonya ward Muzammil Gusto has said he is geared to develop Zomba Ntonya ward if elected as councilor come May 2019.


He said he has decided to stand as ward councilor for the area because the area has been lacking behind in terms of development for a long time.

“Since 1994 there has been no meaningful development in the area as a youth l thought it wise to stand as councilor to solve the problems that people of the area are facing,” he said.

Gusto said there are no structures like markets yet government collects tax from the people saying that roads and bridges are in bad state a development which makes it difficult for school learners to go to school.

He said this is all because the past leaders had no vision for the area saying that he has already constructed four bridges in his own personal capacity.

“We are paying school fees for sixty three secondary students k6,000 each, we have drilled twenty five boreholes  this shows that we really have passion to develop the area,” he said.

The Zomba Ntonya ward shadow councilor said others are saying that they will do but he himself has already started doing.

“Am urging people to vote for me because others just want to cheat them, if elected as councilor, l will just continue from where l have already started,” he said.

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