AmaNdebele King in South Africa, King Makhosonke II, has crowned Prophet Shepherd Bushiri as a prince of his kingdom as part of honoring the preacher for continuous charity work.

The AmaNdebele is one the largest kingdom in South Africa ruling over a million people stretched across the rainbow nation.

The king sent influential 60-people representative to pray with Bushiri at Pretoria Show-grounds on Sunday, April 14.

The representative involved prince and princesses, senior traditional leaders and various members of the ruling council.

Leader of the representatives, Prince Thomas who is second in command, said that King Makhosonke and entire AmaNdebele kingdom holds Prophet Bushiri as one of the key characters in South Africa with regards to changing people’s live both spiritually and physically.

“The king has seen how the Prophet has been giving to the less fortunate in South Africa and also touching people’s lives, through healing and deliverance, in his church,” Thomas said.

He added: “From today, he shall be called Prince Prophet Bushiri and not only that; even the mother of ECG, Prophetess Mary Bushiri as Princess Prophetess Mary.”

In his part, Prophet Bushiri greeted the King for the gesture and highlighted that the crowning will help him do more in terms of charity.

Meanwhile, Prophet Bushiri donated R400 000 to fire victims in Alexandria. A week later, the Prophet support the charity group, Isikhululeka Isizwe charity organization with R300 000.

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