By Orchestra Kamanga

Former deputy Minister of Education, Home Affairs and Internal and Security, Agriculture Samuel Kaphuka who is also the aspirant parliamentarian for Blantyre Kabula constituency has promised and assured the voters that once ushered into power on May 21 tripartite elections he will bring more developmental projects.


Speaking in an interview, he said Blantyre Kabula constituency is lacking behind in terms of developments and projects.

Kaphuka said during his tenature as parliamentarian for Blantyre City West constituency, he brought a lot of projects and programmes like road network infrastructure , constructed secondary school at Pensulo, drilled boreholes, provided bursaries to needy secondary school students, provided school fund to primary school pupils using Constituency development Fund (CDF) and others.

He further said Parliamentarians receive K4.8 million monthly (CDF) for developmental programmes but are nowhere to be seen as they use the money for personal gains and not to development their constituencies.

“The problem is for all parliamentarians in Malawi.

“Once voted into power again I will make sure that our area is changed with some development like having portable water and i will also construct more primary school blocks because pupils are learning under trees,” he said.

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