Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has accused Malawi Congress Party (MCP) for perpetrating political violence following the stoning of  president Peter Mutharika’s convoy in Mchinji.

Minister of Homeland Security Nicholas Dausi made the claims saying MCP supporters stoned the presidential convoy in two separate occasions.

Dausi said MCP supporters threw stones at Mutharika’s motorcade as it drove between Kamwendo and Mkanda trading centers, when Mutharika was on return from a whistle stop tour in Mchinji district on Sunday.

“It is unnecessary to launch a violence campaign. We know they were MCP supporters because they were chanting that ‘this is Lazarus Chakwera’s stronghold,” Dausi said.

Dausi added that MCP should not intimidate other political parties.

“MCP should not make Mchinji or any other place in central region a no-go zone for other parties,” Dausi said.

He added that out of the incident five people were injured and windscreens of cars on the presidential convoy were broken.

He further asked intervention of the police over the matter.

“We ask police to arrest these MCP supporters,” he said.

Commenting on the matter, MCP Secretary General Eisenhower Mkaka, rebuffed DPP claims, demanding the governing party to bring evidence on their allegations.

He added that MCP does not tolerate any act of violence.

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