United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Dr. Saulos Chilima who is also the country’s Vice President has said he has enough evidence on how the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) And the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) are sponsoring the campaign trail for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Chilima made the claims during a rally in Neno when responding to the threat by Minister of Information and Communications Technology Henry Mussa.

Mussa recently threatened to expose Chilima’s secrets if he continues exposing some dubious deals that the ruling DPP under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

“It is common knowledge that the books of the two institutions are audited and we challenge Dr. Chilima to produce just a single audit report that indicated or suggested the institutions are funding political activities of the DPP,” Mussa said.

But reacting to the claims, Chilima said DPP regional governors for the South and Centre are using the tax collecting body and MACRA fuel cards to fill their vehicles.

“I have all the evidence. I know where they fuel there vehicles in Blantyre and Lilongwe and the fuel card numbers they use but I will not handover to them. I will use the evidence once am voted into power on May 21.

“If they think am lying let them conduct the audit now and allow us do our own audit along with them. This plundering of resources must stop immediately,” said Chilima while attracting ululations from the crowd that gathered at the rally.

Chilima also asked Mussa to unmask the skeleton from him, saying he is not afraid of anything at the moment.

“Unmask my skeleton and I will also unmask you one by one…I am not afraid bring them on,” added Chilima.

Meanwhile Chilima has promised to develop Neno district once voted into power on May 21, 2019.

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