Following failure of some public officer to declare their assets in the past five years, a law expert has suggested that the Asset Declaration Act must be attached to the Electoral laws.

This has been said by Professor of law at the constituent college of the University of Malawi (Unima) Edge Kanyongolo.

According to Kanyongolo, this is the only way to ensure that everyone is abiding by the law.

Kanyongolo further suggested that any candidate who fail to declare their assets must be disqualified.

“Before they run for the office, they should first declare their assets. If they fail to do so, they must be disqualified, they should not be allowed to contest for any political public office,” he said.

Commenting on the matter presidential spokesperson Mgeme Kalirani said President Professor Peter Mutharika has directed Office of President and Cabinet officials to meet with Assets Declaration Office officials to chat on the way forward on cabinet ministers who did not declare their assets.

However, it is believed that Minister of Youth, Labour and Manpower Development Grace Chiumia has not declared her assets. Z ����i

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