By : Augustine Muwotcha

Heavy rains accompanied by strong winds on Saturday swept through some areas in Rumphi district  killing three people and injuring nine others.

According to Rumphi District Disaster Desk Officer Alufeyo Mhango, five people are missing following the disaster in most parts of Sub-T/A Chapinduka, mainly in Tcharo area on Saturday.

Mhango said the disaster occurred in the early hours of April 20, 2019 following a heavy downfall in the hills of Mphompha that over flooded the stream that runs into Lake Malawi.

He said the hailstorm swept through houses and belongings for approximately 20 households in the six villages of Zakazaka, Chandilya, Vyazowa, Chiombela, Malazi and Zambwe.

Almost ten houses have been completely damaged as strong running water swept away big rocks that destroyed everything on its path including walls.

The running water also ravaged some of the classroom blocks at Msuku Primary school and washing away some desks and other learning and teaching materials to the lake.

Some of the crops and animals have been swept away and buried by mud and rocks in the tragedy and so far 10 agricultural households have been affected.

According to Mhango, Rumphi District Council has only managed to distribute Black Plastic sheet as a starter pack but the affected households require more food and other household items.

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