An armed Zambian police officer on Saturday went on a rampage shooting and knifing people to death over a girlfriend who according to reports she was cheating on him.

Reports say on Saturday, between 07:00 and 08:00 hours, Constable Jackson Mwanza went to Chainama Health College, where he shot Andrew Zimba, 20, a first-year clinical officer student.

Constable Mwanza and his girlfriend

He was shot in his left leg and bruised his left thigh.

The officer then went to Mtendere Sochabe Garage, where he found his girlfriend chatting with two mechanics, Dickson Mwanza, 32, and Albert Chinungo. He shot both of them.

Mwanza died instantly while Chinungo died later at Levy Mwanawasa Hospital.

Constable Mwanza then went on to look for his girlfriend, who had run away.

He later shot and wounded his girlfriend’s friend, Felistus Tembo, 23, on her right arm.

He then went into hiding in a thicket at Chainama Golf Course, which was surrounded by policemen some of whom communicated with him, urging him to surrender.

He stayed in hiding overnight and on Sunday morning, after making some phone calls to friends and family, he turned the gun on himself.

Reports claimed that the now deceased officer did all this because his girlfriend was cheating on him.

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