Nkhata Bay First Grade Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced a 22-year-old John Kaunda to 72 months IHL for Burglary and Theft.

State prosecutor Sub Inspector Keston Chiona told the court that the convict committed the offence on January 20, 2019 during night.

“He broke into a house belonging to Mr. Rick Mhone a teacher at Bwelero Primary School through the window and stole three cell phones plus K20,000 cash.

“The cell phones, Itel A4 worthy K30,000, Itel A16 worthy K40,000 and Sicco worthy K8000 were stolen,”said the Prosecutor.

Upon realising the missing of the items Mr. Mhone reported the matter to Nkhata Bay Police who embarked on investigations through call log communication strategy.

This helped to trace the criminal and later arrested him.

Appearing in court the convict pleaded guilty to both counts.

The state prosecutor prayed for stiffer punishment against the convict.

He said that the punishment should earn him and others a lesson.

In mitigation the convict prayed for leniency for he looks after his grandmother.

His worship Moston Phiri expressed worry over the convict’s behaviour.

He therefore sentenced him to 6 years and 12 months IHL for Burglary and Theft respectively. The punishment to run concurrently.

John Kaunda hails from Khoza Village TA Mkumbira in Nkhata Bay District.

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