By Steven Godfrey Mkweteza

The vocal democratic progressive party(DPP) southern region governor Charles Mchacha on Friday graduated with the Bachelor’s degree in Business management and entrepreneurship degree from the Malawi college of Accountancy(MCA).

In an interview after the graduation ceremony held at the multipurpose hall in Blantyre, the jovial Mchacha dedicated his BMME degree to the country’s president Peter Mutharika, who he said encouraged him to pursue a higher education.

“Iam happy to have graduated after the four years of hectic study. I dedicate this achievement to Professor Peter Mutharika for encouraging me to go back to school for a higher qualification,” said Mchacha, who is also the deputy minister for homeland security.

The governor also urged the youth not to tier for pursuing higher education qualification, saying the modern world needs people that are well-educated and skillful.

“The job market is now very competitive and needs people of high expertise, hence the need for higher and quality education,” said Mchacha.

In a separate interview, the college’s principal Agrippa Phiri expressed gratitude that the college has now been accredited by the national council higher education(NCHE), a development which he said would go along in boosting enrollment at the college

Phiri said the college was at the verge of closure as a result of low enrollment due to accreditation problems.

“People will now be confident with us because we are now accredited. Employers were shunning our students because we were not accredited,” said Phiri

Phiri also urged the graduates to be creators of their own jobs rather than relying on companies to employ them.

A total of 510 graduates’ graduated with various qualifications such as Accountanting, ITC, public relations and marketing and Business entrepreneurship.

Malawi College of accountancy (MCA) started offering tertially education in 1980.

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