MWANZA – Mwanza first grade magistrate court on 29 May, 2019 convicts and sentenced Elliasi Dzumani aged 29, village Dzomodya, TA. Mlauli in Neno

Dzumani was a primary school teacher at Chididi primary school which is located in the area of TA Mlauli in Neno district. He has been given a jail term of 55 months imprisonment with hard labour for the offence of having sexual intercourse with a minor under one’s care or protection which is contrary to section 159 (b) of penal code.

When giving his facts in court, the state through Neno station prosecution officer S/Insp. Golden Kakoma told the court that the convict fallen in love with the victim (name with held ) who was a standard 8 pupil at the said school where the convict was also a teacher, to the extent that he impregnated the girl. Matter reached the community who reported the the matter to police as well as social welfare. Matter was followed by police which resulted to the arrest of the said convict.

Upon being interviewed, the convict admitted the charge. During court proceedings the state paraded four witnesses in order to prove the case beyond its reasonable doubts.

When passing sentence, worship Roy Kankutu told the court that, as a teacher, the convict had the duty to protect learners in all dangers but instead the convict was a parasite to one of his dependents, therefore the convict was sentenced to 55 months IHL to deter others who would be offenders.

Elias Dzumani hails from Dzomodya village in the area of TA Mlauli, district Neno while victim hails from Kalinde village, TA Mlauli, District Neno.

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