A 22 year old Angella Makangala has asked people of Zomba central constituency to vote for her in the forthcoming elections saying she holds the key to develop the eastern region city.

Makangala made the plea during her campaign whistle stop tour in the city.

In her remarks, Makangala said it is disheartening seeing Zomba in its current state despite developmental efforts that were placed by the late Bingu Wa Mutharika to develop the city.

She therefore promised people of Zomba central constituency more developmental activities once she is given the mandate to be a member of parliament.

“Being the former capital, Zomba is supposed to be a good example in terms of development but the story is different. Once I am elected, which I am certain I will, Zomba will change for the best,” Said Makangala.

She further put the blame of Zomba’s misfortunes on other parliamentarians saying they focus on enriching themselves.

“Zomba is blessed with necessary resources for tourist’s attraction only that parliamentarians who were elected to be representatives turn their focus on things that can benefit themselves and their families not Zomba as a whole,” she said.

When asked what motivated her to join politics at her age, Makangala said Center for Multiparty Democracy (CMD) it’s her inspiration.

Among other well-known aspirants she is competing with are; Noel Masangwi UTM, Yunus Musa Independent and the seating member of parliament Patricia Kainga Nangozo Independent.

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