By: Robert Kumwenda

Umodzi Party (UP) president Professor John Chisi has said that there will be no bail suspected murderers and corrupt culprits if voted into power.

He was speaking in a whistle stop campaign tour political rally meetings which he addressed in Chiradzulu Central Constituency.

The UP leader said this will be one way of reducing the malpractice saying the past five years has just been wasted because poverty levels are still high in Malawi.

 “We are going ensure that there should speed trial of all cases relating to murder and corruption because it is very unfair to see people that are answering corruption cases walking scot free after being given bail by the courts,” he said.

 Traditional doctors suspected of encouraging the malpractice of using body parts of human beings for rituals will also be arrested, he said.

Chisi also urged people not to smile at poverty because poverty is a crime saying that they are doing things with visionary leadership. He also urged the people to stop the culture of handouts saying this is one of the factors that is preventing development in the country.

The UP leader therefore asked people to vote for the party and its candidates in the coming elections saying that the party is geared to Malawians good leadership.

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