Police in Thyolo district are keeping in custody Paul Mwera, 37, for violently robbing a Lifo motorcycle.

Details have emerged that on Sunday night, May 5, Mwera and his brother-in-marriage Steven Maononga hired Charles Kanyoza, a Kabanza motorcycle operator from Thunga going to Didi Trading Centre in Chief Mphuka’s area.

Thyolo Police spokesperson Amos Tione explained that upon arrival at Didi Bridge, one of the suspects alleges that he had a stomachache and wanted to relieve himself.

Tione said after the stoppage, one suspect sprayed unidentified substance into the eyes of the complainant and hacked him on the head and hand with a panga before robbing him the motorcycle.

The spokesperson said a warning message was sent out all over the possible outlets the criminals might use.

“Lucky enough, the suspects were intercepted at Nkhathe Trading Centre in Chikwawa while pushing the motorcycle. Mwera was arrested while his accomplice ran away.”

He said Police have commended the general public in Chief Mphuka’s area for the spirit of working together to make sure that crime is being reduced in their area.

“On the other hand, Police, through community policing, are sensitising all the Kabanza operators to be cautious with their passengers,” he said.

Mwera comes from Chagunda village in Traditional Authority Changata in Thyolo district.

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