Police in Chikwawa are on the manhunt for unknown assailants who chopped off manhood of a 23-year-old bicycle-taxi operator.

Chikwawa police spokesperson, Foster Benjamin said the deceased Vincent Bisenti was found in the decomposed state on Tuesday, 30th May.

“Vincent’s father, Paul Bisenti, in his statement to the police, said 2 days prior to the incident, Vincent set off from Migano village heading to Dyeratu Trading Centre to his brother-in-law.

“On 28th April, he went out to business and had since not been heard of. The following day, 29 April, Vincent’s bicycle was found abandoned in a village bush,” explained the PRO.

Benjamin added that On 30 April about 14:00 hours, the deceased was found in a decomposed state with some body parts missing by residents around Kasinthula Research Station.

Police were called out and noticed stab wounds on the body and took the body to the Hospital where medical personnel confirmed he died due to strangulation.

Meanwhile, the law enforcers have instituted an investigation that can lead to the arrest of the culprits for murder charges.

Vincent Bisenti came from Biasi Village under Paramount Chief Lundu in Chikwawa District.

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