President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) torchbearer in the forthcoming May 21 tripartite election has claimed that some church leaders are plotting to overthrow him.

Mutharika made the remarks on Thursday at Kamuzu Palace in the capital Lilongwe during Presidential Prayer Breakfast shunned by all opposition political parties.

“You have all seen how I treat those who go out to seek and pray for my destruction. I know there are church leaders who sit in council with my enemies plotting to overthrow me. But I say to them “Come, let us reason together” for we are all the children of one God.

“You all have seen people insulting me, creating false evidence against me, praying for my death in public. But I have stayed focused on developing this country because I am not a vindictive President,” said Mutharika.

Turning to the forthcoming polls Mutharika said: “And I know there are people who spend sleepless nights, wondering what I will do to them when they lose the Election. And I say to them, of course you will lose this Election. But I say I am not a vindictive President. I am not a President of vengeance. For “vengeance is mine”, so says the Lord God.”

“I know there are leaders who say in their hearts, we have gone astray but how shall we go back to the path of reconciliation? And I say to them, the power of choice on which path to take in this life is yours.”

As direct attack on peace agreement organized by Public Affairs Committee PAC, Mutharika said: “As a democrat who believes in peace, I do not need to be persuaded to enter any agreement of peace because I am a peaceful person.”

The prayer breakfast organised by Pentecostal churches was held days after national prayers organised by Public Affairs Committee.

Mutharika shunned the prayers.

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