Upon arrival at the polling centre where one registered or where one is transferred to, the voter joins the queue.

a) When it gets to the voter’s turn, an usher will direct the voter to the first table where voter will present registration certificate.

b) Upon verification that one is in the register, the voter will be directed to the second table where voter will be checked on the index finger that has not voted before. The voter will have the index finger dipped in indelible ink and wiped.

c) The voter will be directed to a table where will be handed a ballot for Councilor.

d) The voter will be directed to a polling booth to mark on the ballot paper against a Councilor of choice.

e) The voter will then put the ballot paper in a box labeled “Councilor”.
f) The voter will then proceed to another table where will be given a ballot paper for Member of Parliament.

g) The voter will go into another booth to mark on the ballot against an MP of choice.

h) Then the voter will proceed to deposit the marked ballot in a ballot box marked “Member of Parliament”.

i) The voter will then proceed to another table where will be given a third and last ballot paper, for President.

j) The voter will be directed into a booth where will mark on the ballot paper against a President of his or her choice.

k) Then the voter will proceed to deposit the marked ballot in a ballot box marked “President”.

l) The voter will then leave the place.


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