An angry mob recently set ablaze a woman’s two houses and other property who the mob suspected of being a witch in Ntchisi District.

Ntchisi Police Spokesperson, Gladson M’bumpha, said the woman, Anesi Falison, 80 of Chiyana Village in Traditional Authority Vuso Jere is suspected to have bewitched her 33 year old son, Thomas Chowokoka, now deceased of the same village.

He said the woman’s neighbours accused her of bewitching her son who had been sick for two months.

“At the time of the son’s death, the woman was attending a funeral in another village and when she arrived home, she found her two houses and kraals on fire,” said M’bumpha.

According to the police spokesperson, the woman’s livestock, bags of beans, soya beans, clothes, beddings and other household property all valued at K500,000 were burnt to ashes.

Police are investigating the matter to identify and arrest the suspects.

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