Due to increased immorality amongst school-going boys and girls, two Lilongwe based evangelist have embarked on a gospel journey to preach in secondary schools as one way of bringing about moral sanity.

Evangelists Charles Gwengwe and Richard Zinyongo are working towards the theme; ‘Winning five million youths for Christ in 2019’.

As a start the two have said the service will be on this Saturday at Mitundu Secondary School in Lilongwe.

They further added that they will not only target spiritual lives of the youths but also their academics especially in career guidance.

He further added that a lot of the youths in the country are engaging themselves in bad behaviors that are happening in different schools.

“There are a lot of immoral behaviors that are happening in different schools,” Zinyongo said.

He added that for this to come to an end there is a need for Christ take over lives of the youths in schools.

“But for us to win the youth we need to go there with the gospel,” he said.

Zinyongo said for the country to have a better Malawi in future the youths in the country need to be feed with the gospel of Christ.

“We can have a better Malawi if our youths have given their lives to Christ, we can have better politicians if our youth had received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior, corruption starts from schools, therefore the only weapon is to make the youths know Christ,” he said.

The evangelists have also promised to bring back the true church of Christ citing that some people have turned the church into fundraising ventures. `

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