Following intense rumours that president Peter Mutharika who is also a presidential candidate for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) resumed his re-election bid campaign in Salima.

Mutharika who looked jovial, assured his supporters that he is fit and well to continue governing the country if Malawians will give him a fresh mandate.

Mutharika, 79 stormed up at Salima Boma campaigning for DPP after he cancelled a whistle stop tour of Salima and Dedza on Sunday.

According to the press statement released by Chief Secretary of the Office of President and Cabinet (OPC) Lloyd Muhara, said Mutharika postponed the whistle stop tours due to other urgent matters.

During his speech at the rally Mutharika said the oppositions will be the ones to be buried on May 21 after tripartite elections as he will be the only winner.

He further added that he is not a ghost as some people triggered rumours of his well-being, saying that his health is declining.

“Are you seeing a ghost here? Am I dead? My political rivals will be consigned to the political grave on May 21 after losing the elections,” Mutharika said.

Mutharika concluded saying that DPP has fulfilled its promises it made to Malawians in 2014 and will continue developing Malawi once re- elected in the forthcoming May 21 tripartite elections. =R�X��

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