By Maureen Murotho

The Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) has postponed this year’s Trade Fair to next month due to the upcoming tripartite elections. 

In an interview with Local press, MCCCI Public Relations Officer Millie Kasunda said preparations were underway for the 31st Malawi International Trade Fair expected to commence from 20th to 30th June.

“COMESA Hall, which is always used during the trade fair, will be used as a tally centre by Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) during elections. As such, these two activities cannot happen at the same time,” said Kasunda.

Indigenous Business Association of Malawi (IBAM) president Mike Mlombwa commended the decision to postpone the event since business was not going on as usual during the campaign period.

“There is slow running of business and money is not circulating as it should be. People are not moving as before hence the need to postpone the trade fair,” said Mlombwa.

“There seems to be tension this time towards elections so it is better to have the trade fair next month with free minds after voting.”
Mlombwa added

Trade fair takes place in May each year and runs for two weeks. The fair attracts exhibitors from all sectors of the Malawi economy.

The event offers about 300 exhibition pavilions and presents an opportunity for exhibitors to reach out to people at the fair. Different people come to the fair to shop and learn other skills from participants of the fair.

Source: Malawi News Agency

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