Preliminary election results that has been presented by Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Justice Jane Ansah has indicated that Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leader Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika is currently leading with 40.49% against Malawi Congress Party (MCP) leader Dr Lazarus Chakwera’s 35.44% while United Transformation Movement (UTM) leader Saulos Chilima comes of the third position with 18.35%.

Ansah said these results have been counted from 3,792 centers out of all 5,002 centers.

She announces second #OfficialResults for the Presidential Vote tabulation from 3, 792 out of 5, 002 centres which is around 75.81 % as follows:

Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, MCP – 1, 257 853 (35.44%)

Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, UTM – 651, 124 (18.35%)

Prof. John Eugenes Chisi, Umodzi Party – 14, 288 (0.40%)

Reverend Hadwick Kaliya, Independent – 11, 789 (0.33%)

Peter DSD Kuwani, MMD – 15, 418 (0.43%)

Atupele Muluzi, UDF – 161 499 (4.51%)

Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika, DPP – 1, 436, 877 (40.49%)

Below are Numbers of centers received from 3 regions, by Dr. Ansah
Northern region; 830 out of 1, 107
Central region; 1, 466 out of 2, 024 
Southern region; 1, 496 out of 1, 871

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