A middle-aged man is nursing injuries at the Bungoma County Referral Hospital, Kenya after his wife stabbed his scrotum.

NairobiNews reports that Thirty year-old Stephen Omondi said he was attacked and seriously injured by his wife Lydia Moraa on Friday morning in their house.

the victim on his hospital bed

Local Medical Supretenant Dr David Wanikina said the man is out of danger after undergoing a surgical operation.

“We received the patient at around 7am. He was accompanied by his friends having been assaulted on his private parts by a sharp object sustaining injuries on his scrotum.

“The medical team have managed to repair the scrotum and I can confirm that the patient is stable in the ward,” said Dr Wanikina.

Dr Wanikina indicated that the patient suffered a deep cut about two to three centimeters.

Speaking from his hospital bed, Mr Omondi told NairobiNews that his wife woke him up early Friday morning demanding to know why he was not talking to her.

“I was asleep then my wife woke me up. She started asking me why I had not talked to her since I came home the previous evening. She wanted to know the problem. I told her not to stress me since it was still early in the morning,” explained Mr Omondi while writhing in pain.

He added: “She told me that she wanted to go to her parents’ home and asked for Sh50 but I had no money on me. I had money on the mobile phone. So, I sent her Sh250 before she told me that she was aware of everything that I do in Bungoma. She told me that she was no longer interested in the relationship.”

Mr Omondi, who operates a garage business in Bungoma town, said that he left the bed, wrapped himself in a towel and went to the sitting room.

“I took our only kid who is two years old, only for her to grab my private parts. I put the child aside and tried to hold her hands but I was unable because she overpowered me. I punched her on the head that is when she left me and ran away

Mr Omondi said that he was initially not aware that she had injured him on his private parts.R

“I was shocked to notice that she had cut my private parts. This is when I looked for my phone and called my brother informing him that my wife had attempted to kill me. He came and rushed me to hospital,” said Mr Omondi.

Shocked residents flocked the hospital to witness the incident.

Police said that they had launched investigations into the matter.

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