The past immediate vice president Dr. Saulos Chilima will no longer have 46 security guards as the have been withdrawn from working to Chilima.

Police guards who were assigned to Chilima have not been only removed but they have been transferred into remote rural areas in the northern region with immediate effect.

Meanwhile the new vice president Everton Chimulirenji has taken the MG 2 protocols number plate of his official car.

The police officers who have been redeployed have describe their fate as a way of punishment.

Most of the redeployed police officers have been relocated to police or sub-police stations such as Nthalire in Chitipa, Kafukule, Emfeni and Euthini in Mzimba, Ntchenachena in Rumphi, usisya in Nkhatabay and Chizumulu in Likoma

In May 21 elections the central and northern regions gave more of their votes to Opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and United Transformation Movement (UTM) leaving out Mutharika with southern region votes.

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