A 34-year-old man in Chikwawa has died after contesting in a drinking beer competition.Tito Baleti died Sunday afternoon at Nchalo Trading Centre.

He is said to have joined a team of drunkards fighting for a K2,000 prize money.“Taking his turn, Baleti guzzled non-distilled ethanol beer and he collapsed immediately. He was taken home where he succumbed to death hours later.” Sgt Foster Benjamin PRO narrated.

A post-mortem examination found Baleti diedas a result of hypoglycemia ( low blood sugar).

Baleti came from Sekeni village under Lundu’s area in Chikwawa District.

Chikwawa Police are warning the youth against alcohol and drug abuse.
The law enforcers are also appealing to the public to engage in decent and industrious activities to earn their living.

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