Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has warned some unscrupulous traders who are smuggling opaque beer into Malawi from neighboring countries, saying the development is depriving the country the much needed revenue.

The warning has been issued in a statement released on Monday made available to faceofmalawi reporter.

According to the statement, smuggling of opaque beer, sale and conveyance of any smuggled product including opaque beer is a criminal offence under the law.

“The Authority is, therefore, warning the business community and the public that it has intensified patrols and inspections in all business and trading centres of the country in order to seize any smuggled opaque beer. 

“The exercise has already led to seizure of significant amount of smuggled opaque beer which attracted heavy penalties,” reads in part the statement.

Added the statement: “Furthermore, smuggling or sale of opaque beer distorts market prices and creates unfair competition on the market. This is because smuggled beer is sold at low prices and as a result the local beer industry will collapse leading to many people losing their jobs.

“Members of the business community and the public are further advised that smuggled opaque beer in most cases is of poor quality or expired and this poses serious health risks to unsuspecting consumers.

“Against this background, the Authority is warning those concerned that anybody caught smuggling, selling or conveying smuggled opaque beer will be punished in accordance with the Customs & Excise Act.”

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