A woman died at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre on June 10, 2019 following a road accident along Zalewa road.

The deceased Martha Mateketa 23, at around 2210 hours was crossing the road from right to left near Chemusa Wayede stage when she was hit by a speeding motor vehicle.

“The vehicle, a Toyota IST saloon registration number BR 840 was being driven by Gift Kaime 34 from the direction of Mbayani towards Chirimba along Blantyre-Zalewaroad whenthe accident occurred.” Sub Inspector Augustus Nkhwazi PRO narrated

“Due to the impact of the accident, victim sustained severe head injuries and fractures on both arms.She was taken to Queens hospital where she died whilst receiving treatment.The vehicle had its front windscreen, bonnet and front bumper damaged. Suspect arrested and will be taken before court soon to answer charges of causing death by reckless driving which isagainst the Road Traffic Act.” Nkhwazi added

Deceased hailed from Makanani village traditional authority Mpama in Chiradzulu while the suspect hails from Lototoni village traditional authority Chikowi in Zomba.

Police advises all road users to observe road safety regulations when using the roads to prevent loss of life.

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