The High Court has ordered the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) not to change or destroy any documents related to the May 21 presidential polls as requested by Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

High Court Registrar Agnes Patemba has confirmed of the court order in an interview with the press on Monday.

Last week Friday, MCP applied to court asking the electoral body from tempering with the results posted on its website after reports emerged that MEC has removed the results on its website.

The party also asked the electoral body to provide original documents of the election results.

However, a determination has been made ordering the commission to preserve all electronic documents and results earlier uploaded on Malawi Electoral Commission’s website.

On Wednesday, the constitutional court in Lilongwe is expected to hear an application from President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to dismiss a complaint by MCP and United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Dr. Saulos Chilima disputing the polls.

Mutharika is arguing that the application by the two parties lack substance.

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