Malawi police officers bemoan lack of uniforms as some last received  uniforms more than five years ago during the Bingu wa Mutharika administration.

The junior police officers said this forced them to practice wash and wear tactic, as they wash their uniform soon after knocking off, awaits the uniform to dry and then iron them preparing for the next day.

The men in uniform said their issue is a matter of urgency and they are expecting top management officials to act accordingly.

According to the officers, uniform is part of their work because they are easily recognized and simplifies their work.

“We cannot be working as a police officer without good resources such as proper uniform. Uniform should the first thing to sort,” said one junior police officer in the Central Region.

Following the uniform crisis, the officers have said that they do not look smart and are not respected.

“Some of us are wearing rugged uniform and worn out police boots, we don’t look smart,” complained officers.

“The Malawi Police Service is subjecting us to humiliating conditions,” another officer said.

According to police spokesperson James Kadadzera, the recommended interval for a police officer to receive a new uniform is one year.

However, in some circumstances, a police officer can get a new uniform if the previous one is in bad condition before the year ends.

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