President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has appointed Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the North Goodall Gondwe as special Advisor on Finance and Economic Development.

This has been disclosed in a statement from the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) signed by Chief Secretary Lloyd Muhara released on Wednesday night made available to faceofmalawi reporter.

Previously, Gondwe was Minister of Finance and Economic Development but Mutharika has replaced him with former Minister of Agriculture Irrigation and Water Development Joseph Mwanamveka in the new Cabinet released yesterday which has 24 members.

Mutharika has also appointed DPP Vice President for the South Dr. Uladi Mussa as Special Advisor on Parliamentary Affairs. This is a consolation to Uladi Mussa after losing his parliamentary seat in the just ended May 21 tripartite election.

Apart from Mussa, President Mutharika has also consoled DPP’s Secretary General Grezelder Jeffrey with the post of Special Advisor on Women Affairs after losing her seat to Malawi Congress Party (MCP) MP.

Mutharika’s new cabinet has attracted mixed reactions with many criticizing the President for being gender bias.

This is so because the Cabinet has few women than men.

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