Mlhakho wa Alhomwe and Chiwanja cha a Yao have urged Malawians to be united despite their political differences.

The remarks come as some people from Mulanje Limbuli constituency are reported to be chasing their incumbent member of parliament Daudi Chida claiming he is not a lhomwe.

Reports reaching this publication indicate that for the past weeks since MEC declared Chida a winner on DPP ticket, some disgruntled people are forcing the MP to leave as he is not one of their sons.

Reacting to this development Mlhakho wa Alhomwe Chief Executive Officer Mutchanakhwayi Mpuluka, described the development as sad saying politics should not bring in tribalism in the lhomwe belt let alone in Malawi.

Abdulazizi Yasin chairperson of Chiwanja cha a Yao condemned the behavior saying it is uncalled for and retrogressive to development of Malawi.

Member of Parliament for Mulanje Limbuli constituency confirmed the development with FaceOfMalawi and was quick to say that those behind the issue are losers in the 21 May Tripartite elections.

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