Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera this morning shunned the State of the Nation Address (SONA) delivered at the August House by President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, faceofmalawi can reveal.

Chakwera who is protesting the outcome of the May 21 tripartite election in Court did not provide any reason for his absent in Parliament.

But Speaking in an interview with the press, MCP Secretary General Eisenhower Mkaka said Chakwera does not recognize Mutharika as President of the country hence shunning the SONA.

“Our President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera openly rejected the outcome of the May 21 tripartite election and he does not recognize Peter Mutharika as President of the Republic of Malawi. Due to this fact he thought it wise not to avail himself to Parliament,” said Mkaka.

When asked as to why MCP supporters were present in Parliament while fully knowing that the President will address them, Mkaka said the MPs came to honour the invitation by the newly elected Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara.

“We only came here to approve the provisional budget not to listen to the SONA by the illegitimate President. Our President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera worn the polls and this is the fact,” said Mkaka.

On Thursday Malawians led by Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) leaders held a national wide protest against the outcome of the May 21 tripartite election.

The CSOs were also pushing for the immediate resignation of Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Dr. Jane Ansah.

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