Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has maintained 4 and 5 July as days of holding their vigils demanding the resignation of Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Jane Ansah.

The remarks to continue with the bold decision were made by HRDC Chairperson Timothy Mtambo during a press briefing held in Lilongwe yesterday.

The press briefing was a response to Ansah’s retort in an exclusive interview with one of the media houses in the country when asked if she will resign.

Ansah told the media house that forcing her to resign is mob justice whilst standing on her position that she will not resign.

Ansah’s response provoked the already burning hearts of the Civil Society organizations (CSOs) under the banner HRDC who have planned to hold two consecutive vigils demanding the resignation of Ansah.

“The contradiction she showed in the Mondays Exclusive Interview, leaves us with more questions than answers. We did not expect a learned lawyer to respond in such a casual approach,” Mtambo said.

He continued that what they are doing is for the betterment of the Malawians, as they intend not to enrich themselves.

“The work we are doing is noble for the betterment of this Nation. We know many Malawians will not understand us and will continue to be marked as #political enemies,”

On June 20 HRDC held nationwide demonstration demanding the resignation of Ansah and all MEC Commissioners as they are being accused of mismanaging the electoral process.

Meanwhile the electoral case hearing which is being challenged by United Transformation Movement (UTM) leader Saulos Chilima and Malawi Congress party (MCP) Lazarus Chakwera will start today in Lilongwe.

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