The main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has endorsed vigils organized by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) under the banner of Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) country wide aimed at forcing Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Dr. Jane Ansah.

The vigils will take place from 4th to 5th July, according to one of the organisers by the name of Beatrice Mateyu.

On Thursday last week, HRDC held national wide protest to force Ansah to resign for failing to manage the May 21 tripartite election which saw President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika being declared winner.

But on Monday night during an exclusive interview with Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS), Ansah refused to resign saying those calling for her resignation and holding demonstrations are being involved in mob justice.

Speaking in an interview with the press on Tuesday, Freedom Party (FP) President Khumbo Hasting Kachali who is in alliance with MCP urged party supporters to join the vigils.

“We call upon our supporters and goodwill Malawians to come in large numbers than during the previous demonstrations. We are also asking Malawians to remain calm during court proceedings, we strongly condemn the stoning of vehicles at the court,” said Kachale.

MCP and United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Dr. Saulos Chilima are protesting the outcome of the May 21 polls and the two parties have since filed a lawsuit.

Meanwhile the case is resuming today at the Constitutional Court in the capital Lilongwe.

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