The Public Affairs Committee (PAC) has said the 50+1 electoral system reform will be revived although it was shot down in parliament as the May 21 presidential elections have shown the greater need for the system.

This has been said by the church based organization spokesperson Father Peter Mulomole,

Fr. Mulomole was reacting to whether the provision has substance and if there is any need for its resuscitation.

“It makes no sense to completely forget a system that is worthwhile when signs that the current one is not helping are clear. The aftermaths of the May 21 elections are showing its ugly face, pro-opposition protests and a court case against the results are evidence of a failing provision that is dividing Malawians,” said Fr. Mulomole.

President Mutharika was re-elected with a simple majority of 35.8 percent of the vote, again igniting the concerns about electoral reforms.

Fr. Mulomole said: “The first-past-the-post provision that was used will continue to divide Malawians and the negligence of political players has led to failure to address the current electoral disputes; hence, PAC sees it fit to revive the provision.”

And political commentator Professor Mustapha Hussein concurs with Fr. Mulomole that “the 50+1 provision could be the most sensible system to save the country from election disputes.”

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