Kuunika Data for Action Project, a Ministry of Health initiative, has trained about 180 health workers from Lilongwe District in health information management systems.

The training came in following revelations from 2017 report of the research conducted by the organization which exposed health workers knowledge gaps in ensuring data quality and the information needed.

The project’s health specialist Martha Saidi said they are working hard in ensuring that health workers are using data of good quality and improve patient care.

“Based on that research, we developed a training curriculum and manual which we are using to train health workers to ensure that the data they use is of good quality and to improve patient care, resource allocation and other areas,” she said.

According to Saidi the training will enable health information management systems generate complete, accurate and timely HIV-related health data across central, zonal, district, facility and community levels of care.

“It will also increase data demand, access and use by stakeholders at all levels of the national HIV-related health response,” she said.

Annie Chinoko, a medical technician at Dzenza Health Centre, described the training as enriching and that it will solve many challenges.

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