Kwathu Drama Group is set to hold shows next month, which will be part of celebrating the country’s Independence Day and raising funds for one of its oldest members Evans Mbewe, who is sick.

Mbewe has not been on stage with the popular vernacular drama group for some time due to illness and is at his home, Molere, in Thyolo.

Kwathu Director, Eric Mabedi, confirmed Wednesday they have put up some fundraising shows with the aim of assisting their colleague.

Better known as Che Jali in the theatre world, Mbewe has been instrumental in enriching Kwathu’s productions.

“Every year, during Independence Day celebrations, Kwathu Drama Group joins Malawians in these celebrations by organizing drama shows in different parts of the country and we will use these shows to raise funds to support Evans Mbewe,” Mabedi said.

The shows start on July 6 at Rivonia Lodge in Phalombe and then Blantyre Cultural Centre on July 7.

The veteran actor, who is also National Theatre Association of Malawi (Ntam) President, said he visited Mbewe with Ntam Board Member Timothy Chikoja.

“Evance Mbewe is diabetic and has stroke on his left arm and leg. Plans are underway to bring him to Kachere Rehabilitation Centre in Blantyre for treatment,” Mabedi said.

Mbewe’s cousin Sam Tanaka hailed Mabedi and team for visiting Mbewe.

“He needs to go to the hospital for treatment and there is that proposal. If he is able to walk with clutches, his condition could improve. I am linking up with different players including Kwathu,” Tanaka said.

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