Newly-appointed Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Ben Malunga Phiri, has issued a stern warning to corrupt officials in all local councils saying those found in the wrong will not be spared regardless of their status.

Phiri issued the warning on Saturday at Thyolo District Assembly during a council meeting where newly elected ward councilors took oath of office on top electing new council leadership.

In his remarks Phiri urged District Commissioners not to tolerate the act of mismanaging public funds.

“District Commissioners must make sure all leakages that crooked officials use to steal public money are sealed or else they (the DCs) will be fired,” warned Phiri.

He added; “Furthermore, councils must use their allocations prudently. Diverting funds meant for development for other non-related activities won’t be tolerated under my supervision

His remarks come against a background of financial laxity in district councils where some officials have been misdirecting public money for personal aggrandizement.

The minister is expected to visit all councils in the coming months to evaluate performance and entrench President Peter Mutharika’s second-term agenda towards rural development.

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