Minister of Information, Civic Education and Communications Technology Mark Botomani says he will advocate for patriotism among the citizenry to ensure a spirit of ownership of public properties.

Speaking after addressing a rally in his Zomba Chisi Constituency on Sunday, Botomani said his ministry will make sure that people understand the evils of vandalizing public properties more especially this time when some quarters are organizing demonstrations in protest of May 21 presidential elections.

Botomani said: “In addition to my task of speaking on behalf of the government, it is also my duty to see that people are aware of the implications of vandalizing government properties such as schools, police units, roads just to mention a few, and this can only be achieved if the citizens are instilled with a spirit of patriotism.”

The rally which was his first to conduct in the constituency, since he secured the positions of both minister and parliamentarian, was organized to give thanks to the people of Zomba Chisi constituency for trusting him to continue serving as their parliamentarian for the second time.

“I came here to thank the people because it’s through their effort and trust that I am back into parliament and the president has honored me with the ministerial position,” said Botomani.

He is one of the new faces in a new cabinet which President Peter Mutharika appointed after being ushered into power for another five year term following the May 21 presidential election.

Botomani has become the first minister to have come from Zomba Chisi constituency a development which he described as a great honor to him and the people from his constituency.

Some notable faces who were present during the rally were minister of Transport and Public Works Ralph Jooma, Grace Kwelepeta who is the deputy minister of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare and Democratic Progressive Party’s Regional Governor for the eastern region, Julius Paipi.

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