Rumphi First Grade Magistrate’s Court on Thursday sentenced a 45-year-old, Baleke Kayira to five years and six months imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL) for illegal possession of six live ammunitions and a portion of eland meat without a permit.

Rumphi Police Station prosecution officer, Paul Phiri told the court that the convict was arrested on June 8, 2019 at Gamba area in Chitipa district during a police search operation in communities surrounding Nyika National Park.

According to Phiri, the police recovered six live ammunitions and the portion of eland meat from her.

He said that Kayira was charged with two counts of illegal possession of live ammunitions and specimen of endangered game species contrary to sections 12 (1) of Fire Arms and 86 (1) of National Parks and Wildlife Act respectively.

Kayira pleaded guilty to both counts.

In mitigation, the convict asked for leniency on the basis that she was a first offender.

The state requested for a stiff penalty to teach her a lesson and deter would be offenders from killing protected animal species.

Presiding Magistrate, Cuthbert Phiri sentenced Kayira to five years and six months IHL on the first count and five years on the second count which will run concurrently.

The convict hails from Mwenegamba village in the area of Traditional Authority Nthalire in Chitipa District.

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