UTM Party president Saulos Chilima has urged his followers to join this week’s vigils against embattled Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Jane Ansah.

Some Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) under the banner of Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) have planned to hold vigils on 4th and 5th July to force Ansah to resign for allegedly failing to manage the May 21 presidential poll.

Speaking during a thank you political rally at Mponda Ground in Zomba on Saturday, the former Malawi vice president said the demonstrations will be held until justice is served on the disputed May 21 presidential election results.

Chilima assured his supporters not to fear arrests during the demonstrations as the Malawi Police Service will be there to protect them.

He however urged his supporters to observe peace during the demonstrations.

The UTM leader appealed to his supporters to wait patiently for the outcome of the election case at the Constitutional in which the two are claiming that the election was rigged.

Chilima has also appealed to UTM party supporters to rally behind the party and its dreams of developing the country and ending corruption.

He therefore declared 21st of every month as UTM day starting from July 21 this year saying on this day UTM supporters will be holding a number of celebrations.

Also speaking during the thanks giving political rally, UTM Secretary General Patricia Kaliati said the party is here to stay.

Kaliati questioned the rising prices of basic necessities such as bread and electricity as well as plans to hike passport fees.

This was the third thank you rally for UTM party after holding similar rallies in Mzuzu and Lilongwe.

Chilima is challenging the May 21 presidential election results at the Constitutional Court together with his counterpart, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president Lazarus Chakwera.

Source : YFM

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