United Transformation Movement (UTM) councilor for Gomani Chikuse Ward, Jumbe Kunimba Mambo, has been elected new Ntcheu District Council Chairperson, deputized by fellow UTM counterpart for Kandeu Ward, Flanes Kampeni.

Kunimba Mambo won with 9 votes, beating two other contenders in an election that was held Saturday when all 14 councilors were sworn in.

He said he will enhance transparency and accountability at the Council with the aim of propelling development in the district.

“Financial prudence at the Council is key to socio-economic growth of the district; thereby making the citizenry benefit from social amenities,” he said.

Ntcheu District Commissioner Smart Gwedemula said council secretariat will render total support to the newly elected office bearers.

He however advised council members to work towards developing the district by putting politics aside when deliberating issues of development.

Malawi Congress Party Member of Parliament for Ntcheu Central, Albert Mbawala, said he expects the newly elected chairperson to walk the talk.

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