Statement released by the Information Ministry states we shall commemorate this year’s Independence Celebrations under the theme “Celebrating our freedom with peace, unity and love.”

This year’s theme is very befitting as you may recall that two weeks ago, the Global Peace Index ranked Malawi third most peaceful country in Africa. Malawians have always been known for peace, love and unity and that is why Malawi is also known as the Warm Heart of Africa.

The peace that we enjoy today did not just come on silver platter. Some people fought for it and our duty now is to nurture that peace. Peace comes with development, love and unity.

Government would therefore want to warn those who hide behind opposition parties and civil society organizations and are busy coming up with strategies to disturb that peace. We have witnessed demonstrations that were characterized by looting, vandalism and assault. These barbaric acts are counterproductive and as Government, we would like to assure Malawians that all those who were involved in those barbaric acts will be brought to book.

My fellow Malawians, you will recall that in August last year (2018) the High Court gave a ruling that Civil Society Organizations cannot claim that they represent Malawians as they do not have statutory or constitutional mandate to bring actions on behalf of the people of Malawi. In short, ladies and gentlemen, those who are busy disturbing the peace in the name of human rights, are doing so for their own greedy agenda.

In conclusion, Government reiterates its warning to those spending sleepless nights to destabilize the peace, that Government will deal with them.

To all peace-loving Malawians, let us continue nurturing that peace. Let us love one another. Let us love our country. Let us help our President, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika in developing this country.

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