Civil Society Organizations (SCOs) under the banner Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) have vowed not to stop demonstrating until the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Jane Ansah step down.

Ansah, who is being accused of compromising herself and mismanaging the vote results and purportedly favoring president Peter Mutharika, has rubbished off the calls of her resignation saying that her conscious is free.

With Ansah’s remarks, HRDC have vowed not to relent citing that they will not allow to be intimidated by anyone.

HRDC vice president Gift Trapence said this when addressing thousands of people who gathered at presidential drive in Lilongwe.

“Vigils will not end until MEC chairperson Jane Ansah resigns,” Trapence said.

When Trapence was  speakin people were Cchanting ‘achoke! Achoke! Achoke’

Trapence continued that they will hold vigil at all Ansah’s residences in Malawi until she steps down.

He further expressed disappointment with the behaviour that some people are demonstrating during the demonstrations asking Malawi Police Services (MPS) and Malawi Defense Force (MDF)  to take full responsibility on the matter.

Urging the disgruntled Malawians, former Malawi Congress Party (MCP) member and legislator Jessie Kabwila said their actions are justified as Mutharika has also admitted that the elections were rigged.

She added that the matter concerns all Malawians and urged everyone to participate in the vigils without considering of political affliation.


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