Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has summoned Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) for covering live the July 4, 2019 demonstrations organized by Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) to force the immediate resignation of Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Jane Ansah.

This has been disclosed in a letter addressed to ZBS Station Manager dated July 4, 2019 signed by MACRA Director General Godfrey Itaye seen by faceofmalawi reporter.

According to the letter, MACRA accuses Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) of sensationalizing in the coverage of the demonstrations hence encouraging protesters to cause havoc.

“MACRA has observed that you diverted from your usual broadcasting schedule and have dedicated 40 percent of your broadcast on updates of the said demonstrations. Whilst MACRA recognizes and encourages freedom of the press, it is our belief that responsible broadcasting of events that could likely endanger public safety and security should at all times be observed.

“MACRA has observed that the manner in which you have conducted the broadcast may be deemed sensetionalization of the said demonstrations with the potential of inciting violence,” reads in part the letter.

According to the letter, the meeting is scheduled for today at 2pm.

Meanwhile right activist Billy Mayaya has faulted MACRA for interfering with media freedom.

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