By Robert Kumwenda

On 6th July, Malawians will be cerebrating fifty five years of independence, but this time around the celebrations are coincided with the May post elections demonstrations.

The post elections demonstrations have resulted in looting of shops and damaging of other people’s property worth millions of Kwachas.


This also follows the violence that have erupted in different parts of the country as a result of fresh demonstrations organized by the Human Rights Defenders (HRD) demanding the resignation of the Chairperson of the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Justice Dr Jane Anshah over the way the elections were conducted.

In light of this, renowned Blantyre business entrepreneur Donex Zimbulani has urged Malawians to remain calm.

Zimbulani said what is happening is affecting businesses and the country’s economy at large.

“What the HRD and other opposition parties are doing by inciting people into violence is uncalled for and will not benefit anyone. Everyone is innocent until proved to be guilty by the courts, so as it is now it is not necessary in calling for the resignation of the MEC chair,” he said.

He said the opposition parties in this case the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and the United Transformation Movement (UTM) forwarded their complaints to the court and it is better to wait for the court to decide than inciting their supporters into violence.

The Blantyre Business entrepreneur added that businesses are at stand still because of what is going on hence the need to resolve the matter peacefully.

Concurring with Zimbulani, Expert Mfune, an expert in conflict resolutions has also said if what is happening continues, it will disrupt peace in the country and has huge impact to the country’s economy.

He said the development goes with peace hence the need for every Malawian of good will to condemn what is happening in strongest term.

Also Mark Bottoman has condemned the acts of violence by some people who are doing this in the name of the demonstrations.

Meanwhile, Chairperson for the HRD, Timothy Mtambo has also condemned the acts of violence which some people are doing in the name of demonstrations saying that those that are doing this are not part of the demonstrators because their demonstrations are peaceful.

Mtambo has since urged the security agencies to arrest anyone found damaging other properties so that justice should take its course.

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